That's My Girl: Love, lights, lessons on the beach, good times, hands in the air. Chicks, babes, bitches with five stars, lights to shine, dances in the cartoons, hits and misses, rabbits to date, ducks to water, pigs and hogs to fly.
Some people no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty. They move it from their faces into their hearts. little talent is a good thing to have if you want to be a writer. But the only real requirement is the ability to remember every scar." — Stephen King .'One day you will wake up and there wont be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now. Paulo Coelho'
Joedla Martins ,Apache Stronghold. badge icon Visual Storyteller . Max More Money, Peace, Love, Happiness,Cash, Green Backs, Forever And A Day. Always. SMOLLETT COULD GET HIT W/FEDERAL MAIL FRAUD CHARGES (Thousand Oaks) Stay tuned folks.. This could get interesting..
By letting each thing act in accordance with its own nature. Everything that needs to be done gets done. W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different.Yes, I am weird always, you? Love or hate.Hello, Giggles.
Lean On Me. School of Hard Knocks| NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans. SUCCESS IS A CHOICE.Wings Of Doves.Rights to reasons, songs to sing, how great, things are, and will be, hands, heart, help, dances in the street,coins, cons, cards, wishes on stars.
Ain't No Sunshine: NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans. GOODINSWEETTIPS. BLOGSPOT.COM. - Lean On Me. School of Hard Knocks| NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans.
Views, Values, Voices, Visits To The Dead, Schools Of Hard Knocks.Lean On Me. School of Hard Knocks| NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans.
Stand back up. Boys to men, FOREVER HOME: ☀️Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds.I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me 😂😂😂😂😂💯Hands up for the help, hands up for the joys and the pains, gifts to share forever. Stories, tips, tales, and whales on land, flipping the cards.
Bumps in the road, trips to hell and back, horses to race back home. Tips and tales in the air, history created to share, all the bumps in the road, for a day or two.Pick Up Pieces, Carry On. Glory dazes done.LIFE QUOTES:Lean On Me. School of Hard Knocks| NY escapees: Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans.
Great day on the right side of the grave.Time to stop, time to turn around, time to turn the pages, love and hate, goats and sheep, dogface butterflies, birds and bees, glowing lights, moths and butterflies shots. Great day on the right side of the grave.
Roles to play, dances with dogs, dances with snakes in the grass, dances for life and death.Jokes and laughs.Homeless Blues, Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions-Love, lights, leaders, lessons, games to play, Happy Dazes, happy notes, tips and tales, lovers, haters, suckers, fuckers, frogs, donkeys for free rides. Stuck on stupid, stuck on slow, stuck on snakes, spiders and worms. American rites, read, whites, homeless blues, tales of kindness, tales of acts of hate, dicks, dawgs, donkeys, bald heads.
Be kind .Show respect to all men and women, but grovel to none. Let silence be your motto, until duty bids you to speak. Moot in mind, please the one in your skin. You are a star in the dreams that you create when you sleep...I Wanna Be Closer.. Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield:How much are views worth in your world? 'FRIENDLY REMINDER THE HOLOCAUST WAS LEGAL SLAVERY WAS LEGAL SEGREGATION WAS LEGAL HIDING JEWS WAS CRIMINALIZED FREE SLAVES.I don't want to say good night So say good morning .Rolling Stones, Songs And Bands, Daddy's' Home, Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. |
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