Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The first Travelin Pic of this trip. Apparently, folks in Arkansas don’t know what trash cans are for. And, equally apparently, a lot of them can’t read, so a cartoon to illustrate the concept is also necessary…

Better Dazes Again: Time taken for the big picture has been put on the sidelines, and the focus is how to take the meaning away, and replace it with a little bit of nothing. Live your life. Good times, happy times to share for the joys and pains.There must have been a bad accident. It's good the universe took you off the road before it happened so you wouldn't be involved.

Nature is the greatest teacher on the Earth. Nature produces many different plants, animals, trees, rocks, birds, insects, and weather patterns. Nature designed all these various things to grow and multiply while at the same time live in harmony with each other. We can learn a lot of we observe and study Nature's system of harmony and balance. Today, go sit on a rock and quietly observe and ask to be shown the lessons.
BOOKSTIPSANDTALESLOVELUCKLESSONSTESTS.BLOGSPOT.COM. Cheers and chaps, daily birthdays to create, happy birthday to you, Candy Girl, glad to see that you made it, Way to go, girl, how many candles this year, snake eyes, in the 3s, way to go.The first Travelin Pic of this trip. Apparently, folks in Arkansas don’t know what trash cans are for. And, equally apparently, a lot of them can’t read, so a cartoon to illustrate the concept is also necessary…

 Maggie Deigh Could an admin please pm me? Can not help, simple, slow and stupid, hats, hoes, horns to blast, winners, losers, learners, tests over time. SHE SUCKING THAT BEEF ON INSTAGRAM LIVE TO PISS HER BOYFRIEND OFF THAT CHEATED ON HER SMH . Shall we? Shall we dance, shall we dream, shall we wonder, time to tell, time to rock, time to roll, time to make waves."Who Let The Dogs Out? 

Sometimes, I just hate Facebook, face-time, face to face, with pictures, of the good time, frogs, fish, plenty in the shadows of fools, snakes and freaks out at night. Like the format, like the groups, like the pictures, and the tips on stupid, dump, simple and slow, faces in shadows, faces on the light side of hate. Now You See Me. Deep River Woman.

Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” ~ Mary Oliver .Me Me Me Me Me...Five Kids, Views, Voices, Valves.Paths To Cross, Ships Of Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Waves Of Wards, Sonny And Starr, Twins.Blessings Daily, Lessons, Bumps In Road, Paths Crossed, Lucky Breaks, History Left To Create.Wishes.

Ways to know, ways to grow, ways to expand, hand to hand, hope to float. Wishes and dreams, lives to share. Leslie 2/2: Shade, Moors And Betters, Love and Luck, Bailey Battles, Stars To Shine, Dances On Time. The people that you cross during your lifetime are there for a purpose, a reason, a season or a lifetime , you just have desire what the reason is.

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Don’t call me angel . Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'.

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Ways to know, ways to grow, ways to expand, hand to hand, hope to float. Wishes and dreams, lives to share. Leslie 2/2: Shade, Moors And Betters, Love and Luck, Bailey Battles, Stars To Shine, Dances On Time. The people that you cross during your lifetime are there for a purpose, a reason, a season or a lifetime , you just have desire what the reason is.

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Don’t call me angel . Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'.

Tall Tales: Tips, Tweets, Tones.The first Travelin Pic of this trip. Apparently, folks in Arkansas don’t know what trash cans are for. And, equally apparently, a lot of them can’t read, so a cartoon to illustrate the concept is also necessary…
Better Dazes Again: Time taken for the big picture has been put on the sidelines, and the focus is how to take the meaning away, and replace it with a little bit of nothing. Live your life.
Enough. Ball in your court, pictures in words, a view into my head.Hats And Horns. Lose In Time, Views, Voices, Values, Faces In The Crowds. Sad and blue, lovers, haters, suckers for free, common cattle drives, faces in the herds.
Sometimes, I just hate Facebook, face-time, face to face, with pictures, of the good time, frogs, fish, plenty in the shadows of fools, snakes and freaks out at night.

 Maggie Deigh Could an admin please pm me? Can not help, simple, slow and stupid, hats, hoes, horns to blast, winners, losers, learners, tests over time. SHE SUCKING THAT BEEF ON INSTAGRAM LIVE TO PISS HER BOYFRIEND OFF THAT CHEATED ON HER SMH. Shall we? Shall we dance, shall we dream, shall we wonder, time to tell, time to rock, time to roll, time to make waves."Who Let The Dogs Out? 

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