In this moment in time, to flag, to write, to answer the call to action. Dances On Time: Rewards 2.LOSING MY RELIGION. FACES IN LIGHTS, STARS, SLUTS, SLUGS, SNAKES IN GRASS, STEERS, QUEERS, FLY.Homes, Hopes.Just One.Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words are not good. - Lao Tzu .I listen to music .
Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Rachel has a account Business Entertainment Student.Rachel and Sheri Jarrot: Porn Movie Stars, asses out, land whales to see, cum suckers tricks for trades, party and play, cum tasteful delights, oral talents ...

Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues: Services To:History Not News : Stars To Shine Bright. Angel Zoya Khan, Hosts of angels to fight, tricks, trades, treats, pages to books.Good morning, my prayers and blessings to each of you..Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT?

Trades. Mindset Of The Damage Veterans: Homeless Blues: Credit Issues, Cash No Credit: Out On Streets. Armada, the power, the superiority, the aura.. he can take all my money, my house, my holiday home 2.Good wins again, good times, dances in the heavens. Veterans with skill, notes on history, tales of dicks, dawgs, dangs, donkeys to date. Hats and horns, love and hate, horns of a goat, kids to play, the young at heart..

Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. ,😍😍😍😍😍American Birds. Cows to call, fat and wide, retards and rejects from NY. 🍭 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪THE RUNS.😍😍😍😍😍Good wins again, good times, dances in the heavens. Veterans with skill, notes on history, tales of dicks, dawgs, dangs, donkeys to date. As God forgives us, practice forgiveness of Others and Self. If you experience great loss, you have God’s #love, the greatest gift of renewal. 💓⭐️💞If you experience great loss.
Hats and horns, love and hate, horns of a goat, kids to play, the young at heart.Good morning, my prayers and blessings to each of you..Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT?

Good and evil, fights to start, battles and wars, god of war, Mars to March, May and Madness, tricks with the lights, angels to save the day, hands to hold, wings to fly away, songs in the heavens.Fairy tales out of the bible, Jesus Christ, to save the world. Tricks, and trades, monkeys to hang, how many time, bastard to save the world. Joys to the world, lights on again, veterans homeless blues, history to note.Good morning, my prayers and blessings to each of you..Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT?
Do It Yourself (DIY) ·Amen.Strangers to friends, here's to us, woman to man, meeting of the minds, third eyes open.the hearts, hands, the hits and misses, pebbles on the shores of time, what is up with you. Passes to walk, passes on the state, heads to roll, sinners, saints, learners and losers, schools of hard knocks. Cali chick, babe, black and proud, heads above the common, cattle drives, bitches and birds, wings to air.
Peter Pan, late again, located where, retired yet, at the head of your class. LOVE ONES❤️ HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, LIFT UP AND GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD.....Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets.
Peter Pan, late again, located where, retired yet, at the head of your class. LOVE ONES❤️ HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, LIFT UP AND GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD.....Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets.
Time alone, views and noses, birds and bees, babes on the beach, dazes and st... Time alone, views and noses, birds and bees, babes on the beach, dazes and stone, lovers gone, dates with horses to run. Rats to races, dances for dolla... - Daisy Dicks -Good wins again, good times, dances in the heavens. Veterans with skill, notes on history, tales of dicks, dawgs, dangs, donkeys to date. Hats and horns, love and hate, horns of a goat, kids to play, the young at heart..Good morning, my prayers and blessings to each of you..Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT?

Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. As God forgives us, practice forgiveness of Others and Self. If you experience great loss, you have God’s #love, the greatest gift of renewal. 💓⭐️💞If you experience great loss. Trash man, treats and tips? 7608512267 RV Specials?Good morning, my prayers and blessings to each of you..Judaic studies. I also worked with parents to assure they were getting the experience they wanted for their children.Rachel Jarrot ,.Jacking Off.THE RUN, WHAT? As God forgives us, practice forgiveness of Others and Self. If you experience great loss, you have God’s #love, the greatest gift of renewal. 💓⭐️💞If you experience great loss.
Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled.Everything but the kitchen sink .Reasons, seasons, summer notes, waves to make, faces in the crowd. Charming and bright, sunny and delightful, full of humor, a silent knight, a king on some levels.
Holymoly!It appears some mental issuers?Thinking, Seeing, Feelings, Doing, Steps To Take,Toward Changing, More Mountains, Left To Climb, What You Know, What You Want, Blue Oceans To Create.Dances On The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.
Peter Pan, late again, located where, retired yet, at the head of your class. LOVE ONES❤️ HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY? BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, LIFT UP AND GIVE THANKS AND PRAISE TO OUR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD.....Make Me Say it Again girl. Thanks for service, hands to hold, houses and homes, homeless nightmares, veterans on the streets.
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