Wednesday, September 15, 2021

I ain’t the one to gossip so you ain’t heard it from me .FAIRY TALES,BEACH BUM ON A PATH TO SELF DISCOVERY: Sandpiper, whatever” I mean fuck you.

Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time.Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

Remember the past to continue with new lessons learned alone the way, ghosts to share the stories in your head, stars that shoot at night, with messages to hear on the sound of the wind blowing in the trees.

SCARY NEWS: Faces of donkeys to change, 12 time each day, faces to watch, lovers and haters. Tricks to turn, dicks to cum, trades on the down sides, in the darkness, in the woods, games of love and hate.
Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. Day of the Dead: Chicks And Babes, Faces In The Mirror, Faces Of The Dead.: "Bad Spirit" Cheerleaders. pimps -, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

  MOUNTAINSLEFTTOCLIMBOVERTHERAINBOWS.BLOGSPOT.COM Remember the past to continue with new lessons learned alone the way, ghosts to share the...Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

Fun and Games, Battles And Wars, Dress Blues, Family Parties, Mothers Day, Back In Greens.Fa, La ,La, la,,la,la,la.Pixies, Fairies, Earth Angels, Notes On High Times: September . All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”.

Is this some kind of police state now? Our civil liberties are being violated." People of Color: Point well taken the Pews. Ran over by a reindeer, song birthday, hits and misses, cancer kills, bottle of pills to live. Lovers and Haters, Hats 2 Horns.

To build, to teach, to learn, pages to turn, lessons daily how to climb more mountains, dreams in the motions of the knights on the land, ships to sail, dreams on the water. As a result, they created this House in the Mountains, Time to take a walk, ships to sail, veterans with guns. DREAMS IN ACTIONS ARE GOALS AND PLANS IN PLACE, DREAMS AND GOALS VARY WITH THE DEADLINES.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back.

Voices with in, me, myself, and the noise inside of my head.Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, NY escapees. dicks, dawgs, and dates. Family Affairs. Nuts on the run, retards on donkeys, stories out of the bible.
Jesus Christ, bastard born in a barn, son of a cheap trick, and a pimp on a donkey late at night. Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight. Let The Music Play, Glory Dazes To Come, Sailing The Deep Blue.People say I be rude I say naw I'm real and I don't do bs .

Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.
I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back.
I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back.

Dime To Drop, Dim, Dense, Dumb, Faces In And Out Of Time.Even idiots don't bring me down.Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

Paths crossed for a season, paths crossed for a reason, lessons or blessing, on the walks to the park. Into the woods, snakes, frogs, and monkeys, swinging from the branches of the dogwood trees. Songs to sing of the best is yet to come, and it is the time of our lives to share.Read, Rites, Reasons, Birds And Bees, Battles And Wars, Lovers, Haters, Houses And Homes. 

Earth Angels To Some, Snow White and Wonder Woman.Billie Holiday - Ain't nobody's business if I do:Paint My Love .Teamwork Hard Knocks, Schools On Beaches. Love And Luck, Heated Hearts, Birds Singing Songs, Monkeys To Dodge.

Staff directory entry for Ms Kandice Cherry - Griffith University | Contact ...…
"Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams .....Lil whores.Keep on moving, out the door, out of my life, out of my head, counting marbles, minds to lost, out of the gate, marches to madness. Peter Pan, Campers In The Woods, Love, Lights, Lessons, Leader Of Lost Kids, Dances In Cloud. Donald Trump Tweet As The Joker.. 👅 💦 🍯Buttercu More Dark skin guys...are highkey winning 😍😭🙎🏿‍♂️🍫 daddy af 😜♥️ "Ain't Your Mama", Not You Toy, Not You Dream Babe, Lovers ...Lovers, Friends,Family Members:Treats.Blue Skies, Blue Dreams .....Lil whores😂😂😂😂
'TALES TO SHARE.ANOTHER TIME.YOU ARE THE ROOT OF HEAVEN.THE MORNING STAR.THE BRIGHT MOON.THE HOUSE OF ENDLESS LOVE. Jewish Whale On Land, Sucker For Free, Pigs, Hogs, Hoes, Family Affairs. No Ordinary Love..Veterans Housing Matters.We make a choice to be happy, joyful and helpful to the others that we encounter just to keep our lives in focus. Ducks, Dawgs, Donkey Dates, Men And Mice, Cartoon Hits, Lots Of Luck, Faces Of Freaks.

Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.Homeless Nightmares, Frogs, Snakes: Waves Made.Twists, Turns, Rites To Flip: Cons And Pros: Dates Beaches, Dreams, Veterans Houses: Homeless Nightmares, Frogs, Snakes: Waves Made.Boys To Men, Dicks To Dawgs, Heads To Count, Seasons Of Crooks, Cheaters, And Liars.Teamwork Hard Knocks, Schools On Beaches. Love And Luck, Heated Hearts, Birds Singing Songs, Monkeys To Dodge.
Dicks, Frogs, Seven Snakes, Monkey Swingers, Cum Suckers, friends of yours, sinners and saints.
Dicks, Frogs, Seven Snakes, Monkey Swingers, Cum Suckers, friends of yours, sinners and saints.
Good Times. Into The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark: Veterans Homeless Blues.NY escapees. Dicks, Frogs, Seven Snakes, Monkey Swinger...

The End: is not the end, in fact E.N.D. "Effort Never Dies" ' I am an old soul trapped in the 21 century.'  Wolves , Snakes And Frogs Tales.Sands Of Time, Moving Alone:"It would be so nice.with.Masks In Place, Chicks, Babes And Dames, Names And Labels, Hats To Halos; Hares Lost.

Remember the past to continue with new lessons learned alone the way, ghosts to share the stories in your head, stars that shoot at night, with messages to hear on the sound of the wind blowing in the trees.

Judaism 101: Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. Day of the Dead: Chicks And Babes, Faces In The Mirror, Faces Of The Dead.: "Bad Spirit" Cheerleaders. pimps -, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

  MOUNTAINSLEFTTOCLIMBOVERTHERAINBOWS.BLOGSPOT.COM Remember the past to continue with new lessons learned alone the way, ghosts to share the...Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run. Lots of love, lots of shit, lots of frogs in groups, family affairs.Fruits and Nuts: Gifts given for the bad blood stories told.

Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'

Fun and Games, Battles And Wars, Dress Blues, Family Parties, Mothers Day, Back In Greens.Fa, La ,La, la,,la,la,la.Pixies, Fairies, Earth Angels, Notes On High Times: September . All it takes for Evil and Failure to Prevail is for Good Man to do Nothing”.

Is this some kind of police state now? Our civil liberties are being violated." People of Color: Point well taken the Pews. Ran over by a reindeer, song birthday, hits and misses, cancer kills, bottle of pills to live. Lovers and Haters, Hats 2 Horns.

To build, to teach, to learn, pages to turn, lessons daily how to climb more mountains, dreams in the motions of the knights on the land, ships to sail, dreams on the water. As a result, they created this House in the Mountains, Time to take a walk, ships to sail, veterans with guns. DREAMS IN ACTIONS ARE GOALS AND PLANS IN PLACE, DREAMS AND GOALS VARY WITH THE DEADLINES.


Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'
Above Normal.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it: They were never worth your time. Their exit was your blessing.
Above Normal.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it: They were never worth your time. Their exit was your blessing.
Of course there is more to this story.I am not the only writer of this story. This was not a dream. These are the actual social workers an...

Review: “Unanswered Questions: What the September Eleventh Families Asked and the 9/11 Commission Ignored,” by Ray McGinnis

Edward Curtin,

The Covid-Driven Global Takeover Exposes the Real Threat of the Contrived ‘Climate Change’ Agenda

Gary D. Barnett”, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'The Vaccines Do Not Stop Severe Covid or Death

Vasko Kohlmayer

Against Biden’s Mandates, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'When Sharyl Attkisson Exposed A Phony Epidemic; Media Blackout; CDC and Fauci Told a Lie The Size of an Aircraft Carrier Parked in Times Square

Jon Rappoport

9/9 and 9/11, 20 Years Later

Pepe Escobar, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Dicks, Dawgs, Dates, Plenty Of Frogs To Kiss: Lessons Daily, Mountains Tops.

Fairy Tales Recaps How the people lived, the conditions that they had to live with, and have so many things to write. Or not.A Dance in the Woods .You? Me? Us?The Fairy and the Frogs:Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Candy Hearts.

Help and hands-on. I love to thrift shop a few times a month. Ain't talkin' 'bout Housequake! No! New Dance - ain't talkin' 'bout Shake 'N' Bake! W e I r d= wonderful:Exciting: interesting: Real: Different. Yes, I am weird always, you?Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweeted: Donkey of the day material.A GOOD MAN, Steven Jarrot.You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got nobody, He's got no face. The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes: If at first, you don't succeed, try, try, try again.Seasons of Changed, Edge Of Darkness, Wishes On Stars: Bright: Blue Starr.Over The Falls, end of the world, no brick walls, in this place.Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:
May be a meme of 1 person and text
Dances In The Dark, Spiders, And Snakes, Tips And Tales: Once, I thought I was WRONG But it turns out…I was MISTAKEN’.Teacher or student, hard to tell.Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:

Roles to play, parts to act, over time, over space, good times to share. 4 WORDS: old enough to consent.Don't change yourself to win someone's heart. I'M TURNING IT OFF.I'M TURNING IT OFF. I've been sad for months and no one notices, how will they notice? If I smile a lot and always the same way.
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Rachel McCartney @RachelMComedy Millennials yelling at Gen Z ike "get off my parents lawn"'

Cannabis and Conversation. Lost and found, free wills, to give up something that you love, how to start over, bitterness takes a turn, hopes, and wishes in the air. Miss Ever’s Boys.Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:
May be an image of text that says 'Wives passive aggressively piling the trash like Jenga until you take it out. Trick Minute vn STATEFAIR FAIR STATE classic Cር'
Unless you think I'm awesome in which case, you're right! Carry on.Poems, quotes, and words with meaning.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . Loyalty Is Lost. Rotten Apples, Genetically Modified.Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:
Poems, quotes, and words with meaning.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . Loyalty Is Lost. Rotten Apples, Genetically Modified.
Poems, quotes, and words with meaning.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it . Loyalty Is Lost. Rotten Apples, Genetically Modified.
GO GO GO!.THE Real U. Breaking the Silence. Sent on a course, a course to the neverlands. Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance): Hi...

I AM GOING TO CRY .Women Knights.Hogs Need A Holiday, Views, Voices, And Values, Dimes To Drop, Cattle Drives, Heads To Count. Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games .You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:Haha ,TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP.Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven:
Pages to turn, stories to write. Motions Of Dreams, Mountains To Climb, Birds In Dogwood Trees. Saints and Sinners: Cycles, Circles, Seasons Of Joys, Freaks, Tags .
Pages to turn, stories to write. Motions Of Dreams, Mountains To Climb, Birds In Dogwood Trees. Saints and Sinners: Cycles, Circles, Seasons Of Joys, Freaks, Tags .
Don’t expect anyone to understand your journey, especially if they’ve never walked to your path.Balls, Bats To Swing: Seasonal.Games . Whe...
Joys And Pains: Fairy tales told when we ...Stay up, blessed & positive.We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.

Eric Peters, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'Nurses Against CA Vax Mandate

YouTube Video,

Ethics Professor Dr. Julie Ponesse Threatened With Dismissal For Refusing the Jab

YouTube Video, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Pepe Escobar, You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! (Yep, you read that right!)Dicks, Dawgs, Dates, Plenty Of Frogs To Kiss: Lessons Daily, Mountains Tops.9/11 After 20 Years

Paul Craig Roberts,

I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. Lights to shine, lights out in the sky, lights for the shining stars, trips to the moon, and back.9/11 & The Strangest Fires Ever Told

L. Reichard WhiteReady for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'Perspectives on the Pandemic With Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Joseph Mercola,

Bob Dimond: Houses To Help, Money To Share, Cash Around The World. 'If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me...'Ready for Easy Money??Birthdays Always Fun?"MEMORY, MIND, Inevitable. You are only making the best of any given situation. You're an opportunist. Roads to travel, parts, and pieces, in the dawn, at the top of the morning, have to say, it has been rough, it has been raw, it has been a long ride.Some people will just check up on you to see if you have failed yet. Nope, still winning Fuckers!'

MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy their products. Promote them.

What’s happening,No Words Necessary,MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy th...