'Don't make excuses for horrible people. you can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase. To Bury, To Burn, Dust In The Winds.Bright Lights, Angels In Host, Lucky Stars Shining. 'Failure is success in progress. ALBERT EINSTEIN.
68 White and wanting to fly with Wendy. I’m Escondido and waiting for you to come to my window and invite me through yours. You can be my dark shadow and I can be your day dreams. No end to the metaphors. Hopefully no end to the pleasures between friends.Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat.
Once in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel. History left to create, waves to make, giant on land, wits, charms, graces, rocks to roll, gems to find. Blame who:American Birds:Life is a Race, Rats, Tigers, Monkeys Racing To Home Bases Pieces Of A Dream, Dancing Angels, Dancing Desires, Good times, fun and games, love and hate horns on a goat.
radaris.com/p/Steven/Jarrot/760 360 1613...Transportation Company up and running, girls to Vegas, and group sex by bus, or RV, we will get you there all sexed up, and ready to party on in Vegas or a place of your choosing.I'm not wat I ought to be,want to be or hope to be;still I'm not wat I used to be and by the grace of God i am what I am.

Sex, Rock and Roll, and a way to get there anyway you like today and the rest of your tomorrows, service with a hard rock Jewish Prince of Jewish Army 2005, and a honest and truthful bisexal good looking white male in search for lady love, or a lady to house him and RV, and lady with time and cash to pour into this company and the founders in background also.I'm not wat I ought to be,want to be or hope to be;still I'm not wat I used to be and by

Good morning beautiful souls. Happy Friday.. Wishing everyone a wonderful day filled with peace..love.. happiness and hope.. Greet each new sunrise humbly and give thanks to our Creator for your many blessings.. Start each day with a prayer and live in a sacred manner. Good morning beautiful souls. life on the seven seas, drop by drop, how far will it go. Life as a water drop.