Sunday, August 18, 2019

You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes:

Snakes within, hell hounds on land, pigs to blow away. Wolves in pots, water hot, meat to eat for the pig with wits and smart. Learned to fish another way, snakes and frogd to add next. Jokes to share over again. Land Whales: Hard knocks for lessons in love and devotion, life for love, love and hate horns of a goat. Leaders, Lights To Turn On, Smiling Faces, Horse And Pony Shows, How To Make Bucks. Coins To Pay. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

It was an honor to host President  @EmmanuelMacron  and Mrs. Macron for our first State Dinner! 🇺🇸 🇫🇷MAGIC! Madness, Sunny And Bright 2. Ready for What?DAUGHTERS✨Zeros, Life Is A Fairy Tale.Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Snakes in the Grass:... Golden Calf: What beef? Sheep And Goats.

Captain Hook. Which one a..Nuts, Retards, Cows And Pigs: Donkeys,... Sometimes he does things that make me laugh, they’... Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Snakes in the Grass:... Golden Calf: What beef? Sheep And Goats.

Image result for Recaps. Washington Marines or not,... Teacher or student, flipping cards, flipping coins..Friends, family members and foes thanks for the cr... No excuses, no regrets, bumps in the roads, paths ... Moving up, climbing mountains, head in the clouds,...

Life is an Echo  What you send out ~ comes back  What you sow ~ you reap  What you give ~ you get  What you see in others ~ exists in you  Radiate and give love and love comes back to you.Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Snakes in the Grass:... Golden Calf: What beef? Sheep And Goats.
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Not posting in search of romance but rather a shared interest , companionship , and friendship.Open to your ideas. Age, culture, and body style are factors. Hopelessly straight and respectful. Please be male, not asking for much.One of the things that I live by are the reasons, the seasons, and the causes that connect me with other people, and the things that matter to me.

Image result for Ready for the Manners Series: Manners For Millions- Kissed a…😎😎😎🤗🤗🤗😠😠😠😠frog. Hater, sucker for free rides.

 Hollow Faces, Funny, Frogs In Masks, Treats, Trades, Silent Knights..Dinner dates, snakes to eat, meat on the table, white rites, white in the country, of knights in arms, guns and bears, knights in the woods.Solomon’s secret to success is this: refuse to honk your own horn. REMEMBER each and every one until they are home. NEVER forget the heroes, our Veterans. May we ALWAYS honor the fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. #RedFriday #Veterans.

 This treatment last over 4 decades, the medical community came and went with the older members to be replaced with fresh blood, to spread the lies about the treatments given, and the cures that were available, men not treated for the good of the country?ur own world. Your dreams, your wishes, your desires, your gifts to share.Simple, slow, stupid, no green card, will kill you in the middle of the night. True love for a dump guy, dances with snakes in the grass, dicks, dikes, donkeys in the hills of Lake Eyesore. Pages to go...By the book. Alone Again. Where is My Mind (1988) ✌✨🌏💫😉👍✨ 😎🌊🌊🏄

Steven Jarrot, sjfulldeckBig changes could be coming to Chicago's Red Line.Moses and Jesus songs to sing daily gifts in dazes stoned up against the walls, tales to share. Gifts to share, tips and tales, clowns shows and dances. Lessons to learn, hard knocks instead, tricks and trades. Steven Jarrot, sjfulldeckDreams Lives To Rats, Races On Clocks, Horse To Rats, Racers To Color. Steven… Rachel Jarrot- BALD OR NOT, IS THE ONE PUSSY LICK THE MOST FOR ME ALWAYS SWEET. RACHEL JARROT-HAS ALL HER HAIR BACK AND HAS BEEN REGROWTH SINCE FEBRUARY 2018.REMEMBER each and every one until they are home. NEVER forget the heroes, our Veterans. May we ALWAYS honor the fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. #RedFriday NEVER forget the heroes, our Veterans. May we ALWAYS honor the fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. #RedFriday #Veterans#Veterans

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow. Stories, tales, and tips of love and hate, songs to sing, Ships of dreams, ship to sail, had a bad wave, and the ship turned on its side. Was not sure how to act, Songs to sing, gifts to share, birds and bees, dances on the side of the road, frogs to dodge, what a great day, to be above ground. Sunny and bright lights, out in the dogwood trees, pieces of a dream, pieces of the rainbow.  Black and white matters, hearts on the fields, dreams of horses, dates with knights, cowboy Jim, black rider. Donkeys in the hills and valleys, dates on the bumps, snakes in den, have to dodge.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

Ships of dreams, ship to sail, had a bad wave, and the ship turned on its side. Was not sure how to act, Another sunny dazes to be thankful on the right side of the grave. Songs to sign and dance to, trips by boats, trips over the hills and valleys. Races to run, horses and pony to race until the end of time. Good times with the dreams of dancing in the wind, fires on beaches, songs around the stars under the moon. Life to change, life with changes, strangers to friends, the beat of drums go on always.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

70's 80's 90's Music: Blue Ranger, Green Frogs,Army Of One, Sunny And Bright, Notes To Randy. Consciousness Transition Tribe: Indian Temples Native Planet: Google Groups Online: Hits And Misses.Hats And Horns, Wales On Land, Green Frogs, Blue Rangers, Names And Labels, Dimes To Drop.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

Ready To Turn Around, 🙈 🙉 🙊Persistence Pays Daily: 😮🌊🌊🌈.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Back on Track: Lights on?Riding Waves, Dances With Drama, Birds To Fly, Rocks Under Sands.Come frolic through the meadow with us 🌸🌻🌺 Roles In Recaps: SWM in his late 50's looking for a LOCAL (Orange County area ONLY, please no out of state replies!) younger single white or Asian female in 20s or 30s who enjoys the company of an older gentleman. I work out regularly, play concert piano and would like to find someone who is attractive, fit and likes to go to concerts. I like to spoil if the chemistry is right. You should be playful, bubbly, and sweet. I also like a girl with a bit of a naughty side who likes to occasionally wear short skirts. SERIOUS ONLY and type "Younger for Older" in the subject line so I know it's not spam. A picture is MANDATORY and I will be happy to exchange.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

Hats and horns, birds and bees, songs in the winds, good times, dicks, dawgs, snakes in the grass, blue rangers, green frogs, names and labels, balls in the air. Good times, God times, hands in hands, hats and horns, love and hate, lions to roar, hits and misses, strangers to friends, luck and lust, while you were sleep. Back in time, police to call, houses to break, strangers to maids, faces of sinners and saints, balls in the air, balls in the crooks, cheaters, and liars, good times, cash to steal, heads to count. Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

Ships of dreams, ship to sail, had a bad wave, and the ship turned on its side. Was not sure how to act, Another sunny dazes to be thankful on the right side of the grave. Songs to sign and dance to, trips by boats, trips over the hills and valleys. Races to run, horses and pony to race until the end of time. Good times with the dreams of dancing in the wind, fires on beaches, songs around the stars under the moon. Life to change, life with changes, strangers to friends, the beat of drums go on always.The first day of life, back in time, notes to take, with what you had to bring, joy and happiness, lots of love, lots of reasons, to get out of the womb.Sit and Spin: Faces in mirror to changes, American Toad, tales to spin. First facts of life, lessons to learn.Leaders, Lights To Turn On, Smiling Faces, Horse And Pony Shows, How To Make Bucks. Coins To Pay.

Ready To Turn Around, 🙈 🙉 🙊Persistence Pays Daily: 😮🌊🌊🌈.Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine. Con men, Jim Jones, Steven Jarrot,The Rolling Stones - Doom And Gloom. Back on Track: Lights on?Riding Waves, Dances With Drama, Birds To Fly, Rocks Under Sands.Come frolic through the meadow with us 🌸🌻🌺 Roles In Recaps: SWM in his late 50's looking for a LOCAL (Orange County area ONLY, please no out of state replies!) younger single white or Asian female in 20s or 30s who enjoys the company of an older gentleman. I work out regularly, play concert piano and would like to find someone who is attractive, fit and likes to go to concerts. I like to spoil if the chemistry is right. You should be playful, bubbly, and sweet. I also like a girl with a bit of a naughty side who likes to occasionally wear short skirts. SERIOUS ONLY and type "Younger for Older" in the subject line so I know it's not spam. A picture is MANDATORY and I will be happy to exchange.Freaks, Frogs, Fools, Funny Faces, Eyes Open Wide, Men, Boys, Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date.

    Head In Clouds. Rites To Reasons.Great News On Grass Fed Beef. What Beef? Hogs To Feed. Done and over. Looking at the days, months, and color of your shirt, a new fairy tale. Hogs, Pigs, Cows, Free Riders, Sluts, Slugs, Snakes And Worms, Twisted And Bend. Fuck Off.Passes, Free Riders, Rabbits, Hams, Turkeys, Every Day Holiday, 6 Times A Year: Easter Runs. Rotten apples, rotten freaks out at night, fat and wide, big and fat, glory dazes over, lucky dicks with kids.

    NO! Time to listen, laugh and win, right, left, clowns, jokes, stuck on moments, lost in time, history to note, how to stand tall, apart from the frogs in the water, plenty of fish in the seas. Fairy tales at church, in the bible, stories of the start of time, sheep and goat, faces in the crowds. 
    Lots of fun,Lots Of Laughter, Lady To Delight.It’s sort of romantic in a weird way.“How individuals are labeled creates expectations and predictions” about them, she said, which, when framed negatively, can harm self-identity and limit potential.

    Woman for man: Funny, always laughing, less signs of wear, over the decades, joy in the mornings, peace and happiness to follow, with lots of laughs.Dates, to make, wave of words, ideas, dreams in works, history to share, different times, different lives, learned alone the way.Water for cows, water for flowers in the trees, food for the birds and the bees.

    New Beginning, Apr 2013 - House or RV First? Ms 411 Daily Tips. Tin Cans, Affairs Of A Jackass. TODAY. ONCE AGAIN I SAY DONT HATE ITS NO WAY TO LIVE. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

    A PRAYER OF WISDOM!!!... FOR YOU MY BELOVED FRIENDS....Why not, turn the page, and write another book on the super sized-stars that have lights on or lights off, not sure are you?.. REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL

    Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor

    😨😡🤢Notes that are normal, notes that are average.KISSES TO YOU: Grits And Asses: Toads.ONE GHOST TOO MANY! has been officially released.🎉🎉📖🎉🎉📖🎉🎉Superstars that they are, just sluts, slugs, for free rides.

    Open doors, open winders, no means to move on, next opening in the dreams departments. Hats off for the sinners and the saints, military and veterans, earth angels to some.

    Have fun.Picture? Rick. Next Time .Food chains, love and hate, goats and sheep, food for dinner, lots of love. Faces in mirrors, lions and sheep, goats and horns, love and hate, sounds in the air, love and haters.

    Image result for Said another way.

    Love:Roads To Travel,Paths To Cross, Above Common. Wishes On Stars, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Layers, Men And Mice, Cat And Mouse Games, Seasons Of Love, Lights, Lessons 2.😎🌊🌊🏄


    Said another way. Views, Voices,Values, Joys And Pains,Dances In The Rain. Sunny And Bright, Heads Up, Dances In The Heavens.Don't waste another minute! Lots Of Balls In Air: Nuts And Franks, 😹Faces In The Herds😹😹😹Dicks, Dawgs 2. I am an old soul trapped in the 21 century.' 🐼 Wolves 🐺, Snakes 🐬 🐋And Frogs Tales. 💕 🐼 ...Just to let you know ,I like to wear wings when I am sad, 🐼 💕 🐼 💕 🐼 it helps me smile.

    Time for reflections, and reasons and explanations that leave a clear picture of the facts, and the actions and the deeds noted in the history ……… and who played it………….Sunday, April 20, 2014-Cows,Cattle, And Cattlecalls, Ready for What?……..Steven Jay Jarrot of Anyway Transportation at 50925 Paradise West Drive #2, La Quinta ,Ca lives with his mother of 95 years old. Stole from her just like son Charley the kid with $160K out of Daddy’s Account when just 14 years old. 
    RAZZLE DAZZLE! 'Saints and Sinners.Ooh La La.💜🌸💜SEEKER OF TRUTH.Choices Made:  GREAT: Communication, Sincere, Humor, Interest, Truthful, Respectful, Thoughtful, Kind, Caring, Loving to build a lasting fun happy relationship now.

    Felix The Cat In Love GIF

    No problem 😁😁😁😁Actors, Good Hits, Horse And Pony Shows.No More Love on the run, dicks ,dawgs, dates... Attention Walmart Shoppers .50 Shades Of Color, Bitches 5 Stars, Dames, Chicks And Babes: ️MEMORY, MIND, MATTER:Chasing the Sun.Colorful Dreams of a Sister.This summer, celebrate The Lion King at Disney California Adventure Park.Magic Madness, rats in white gloves, love the horse and pony shows, men and mice, cartoon hits. 

    Let negative thoughts go. Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude. As God forgives us, practice forgiveness of Others and Self.I'm easy going, just looking for the right fit. If you're interested, send a reply, stats, location, age, how tall, things we may have in common, and tell me about you: thanks for reading.Woman for man, faces in the crowds, living in the lights, silent knight, home alone again.The difference. .🦋🌹Butterfly Lifestyle 🦋🌺 🐶🐱🐯🐨🐍🐼Jesus Wept, notes and songs, pages to the good books, daily tales, trips to hell and back.
    New Butterfly Lifestyle 🦋 Embrace The Possible” .Views, Voices In My Head, Faces In The Crowds.Age, how tall, location, retired from what, heads to count, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades, normal, sane, common cattle calls. Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, good time toads, faces in layers, at the bottom, pebbles on the sands. Senior woman, for senior man, where are you at, gems to find. My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.
    Time for reflections, and reasons and explanations that leave a clear picture of the facts, and the actions and the deeds noted in the history and who played it.Cows,Cattle, And Cattlecalls, Ready for What?……..Steven Jay Jarrot of Anyway Transportation at 50925 Paradise West Drive #2, La Quinta ,Ca lives with his mother of 95 years old. Stole from her just like son Charley the kid with $160K out of Daddy’s Account when just 14 years old. 

      Military and veterans, thanks so much, lights to turn on, hands to clap. Open doors, open winders, no means to move on, next opening in the dreams departments. Hats off for the sinners and the saints, military and veterans, earth angels to some. Cheers, Hands In Air, Birthday To USA, Lights To Shine, Red, White, And Blue...


      Thanks for another birthday great, great day for the fireworks, no rains any where. I could be wrong, but who cares? Joys and pains, holiday fun, sands and beaches, glory dazes done. Lovers and haters, goats and sheep, cows in the fields, time to come home. Hats and horns, hairs and halos, ways to show the colors, horns to hide, coins to flip, good times..Age, how tall, location, retired from what, heads to count, men and mice, cartoon hits for decades, normal, sane, common cattle calls. Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, good time toads, faces in layers, at the bottom, pebbles on the sands. Senior woman, for senior man, where are you at, gems to find. My heart speaks. Wave of words, roles to play, hats to wear, over the bumps, coins to flip, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs in the water, in and out of time, views and noses, you have one, and so do I.

      Cattle calls, cattle runs, free milk, hats, hoes, horns, good times in Upland, steers, queers, fags, and hags, heads to count. Sheri Beth Jarrot, wigs, hats, hoes, good time toads, family affairs, nuts on the down low. for tales of 300 guys he sucked and fucked for the love of tina, and Rachel and Sheri fucks and sucks just like sire.
      Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.

      Freaks, frogs, fool, good time toads, gang bangs in the middle of the nights. Songs to sing, glory holes open wide, nuts on the run, wales on the sands of time. Roads to travel, paths to cross, ship of fools on the water. Lovers, haters, songs to sing, and ex husband, of the good times robbing from the displace, homeless, luckless people that want to sleep with the devil.
      I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
      Image result for Charles R. Jarrot, : Call me a liar and a Thief.

      Myths and Legends of Our Own Land, by Charles M. Skinner

      Cattle calls, cattle runs, free milk, hats, hoes, horns, good times in Upland, steers, queers, fags, and hags, heads to count. Sheri Beth Jarrot, wigs, hats, hoes, good time toads, family affairs, nuts on the down low. for tales of 300 guys he sucked and fucked for the love of tina, and Rachel and Sheri fucks and sucks just like sire.

      Blue light specials, attention Wal-mart shoppers, good time toads, snakes, spiders and worms, Peter Pan, Steven Jay Jarrot, Sheri Beth Jarrot,monkeys to see, monkeys to do, monkeys in packs to dodge.
      Freaks, frogs, fool, good time toads, gang bangs in the middle of the nights. Songs to sing, glory holes open wide, nuts on the run, wales on the sands of time. Roads to travel, paths to cross, ship of fools on the water. Lovers, haters, songs to sing, and ex husband, of the good times robbing from the displace, homeless, luckless people that want to sleep with the devil.

      Love:Roads To Travel,Paths To Cross, Above Common. Wishes On Stars, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Oh My, Faces Under The Layers, Men And Mice, Cat And Mouse Games, Seasons Of Love, Lights, Lessons 2.
      I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.

      Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charm...Worms,Good Times To Share?Lovers, haters, suckers for free rides, donkeys in packs, monkeys to dodge. Dances in darkness, faces in mud, snakes, spiders and worms, black and yellow, wasps and assholes.Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats.

      Reasons, rights, actions and excuses, pigs, hogs,good time toads. Views, voices, values, dimes to drop, songs to sing, hits and misses. Cartoons lovers,haters, suckers for free rides. Heads to count, freaks, frogs, fools, good times, bumps in the runs, paths taken, ships of fools on the water.

      Roads to rocks, paths of snakes, freaks, frogs, heads to count, gems to love. Dicks, dawgs, games on the rocks, 7 nights, pages to go. Hopes, wishes, actions, pages to books:  excuses and assholes, things we have in common.: Santiago Smith: Intro Self-Employed Widowed From Long Beach, California.Rainbow Souls - 🙏💜🙏 There are no coincidences 🙏💜🙏

       I do all the time..Sending prayers for you. 🙏🙏 Constant panic attacks. But sure lets just pretend all is okay and itll all go away. Thats what everyone thinks so.. But sitting around all day isnt going to solve anything. Drink it off, go out and do something. Sometimes along life's pathways, the...

      Rolling Stones songs are some of classic tunes to dance the nights away with, good times. That always helped me lol. Rainbow Souls - 🙏🙏 There are no coincidences 🙏💜🙏Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.

      Classes Of Bitches, classes of dogs, white and blue, faces of cheap tricks, lots of laughs, ages and numbers, sons to shine, stats to share, how tall, retired from what, roads to travel, paths to cross, daily events, to live, to learn, to grow. How tall, located where retired from what?Questions up in the air, about the joy and happiness in the valleys, hills of Riverside, where the cattle, donkeys, and bison roam on the open ranges.
       Rolling Stones songs are some of classic tunes to dance the nights away with, good times. That always helped me lol. Rainbow Souls - 🙏💜🙏 There are no coincidences 🙏💜🙏Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.

      Winners,Losers,Learners, Family Matters: Roles.Dallas Starr 🇺🇸 🇺🇸! We #celebrate life, #liberty & the pursuit of #happiness, together. :One Nation :God Bless America, Ways to tell your future, helps you to tune in, and get the answers to the questions that matter, and study long. ATG Radio Network

      Randy The Blue Ranger Malcolm.The Goodbye Look.everyday im a totally new person. see i dont understand the me of yesterday everyday.Skying Writing, Sky-walking, LATEST FROM PAMPER ME NETWORK...Disneyland, Cali Chicks, Babes, Veterans.
      Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Plenty Of Fish In The Seas, Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charm...Angels in the heavens, angels here on earth, angels on the crosses with the young at heart, Peter Pan and his friends, and Tom and Jerry and the other rats running races for the pies in the sky. Gifts of smiles, gifts of joys and pains, gifts of the good, bad and ugly dazes on top of the mountains. Joys and pains of growth and changes.

      GDLKG BI MALE ISO FEMALE OR COUPLE TO PNP 47Seasons Joys, Holiday Hits And Misses, Glory Dazes Done.Skin  Sluts, Rach,Rachellyn1010, pimps: hookers, party  909 920 0725  and 7608512267 to get in line, gang bang rules: Upland Cheap Tricks.??Worse Than Evil,  Faces Of Poor, Riches To Eat, Donkeys In Packs, Monkeys In Pack. Notes To The Dead.Help to get off the streets.   

        I’ve Lived The Best I Can .Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons..  Sometimes what you seek is before you, but only you don't see. Try to describe your feelings, your doubts your secrets... get them out of your thought but don't tell anyone, tell God. I’ve Lived The Best I Can .Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons..

      Roads to rocks, paths of snakes, freaks, frogs, heads to count, gems to love. Dicks, dawgs, games on the rocks, 7 nights, pages to go. Hopes, wishes, actions, pages to books:  excuses and assholes, things we have in common.: Santiago Smith: Intro Self-Employed Widowed From Long Beach, California.Rainbow Souls - 🙏💜🙏 There are no coincidences 🙏💜🙏
      Also:Horse and Pony shows, rats to races, snakes and cats, dogs to bark..Refection Notes: Notes along the way, paths chosen for the day, seasons and causes over time.Wish u success in your life🎓👏 Wish u have much money🤑🤑💸💵 March 2019: Views Online, History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, Snakes Dawgs 2....o yea I forgive but spell-casting with words that don’t work on me irritates me like decompose flies, no witch or brujo is stronger than a messenger of Adonai, and no legion of demon’s is stronger than YESHUA,…

      Image result for Charles R. Jarrot, : Call me a liar and a Thief.
      Views Online, History 2 Note:Nuts To Fall: Treats ..Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, golden rules of sports,hats and horns to blast.after the rain their is the sun....fight for the better future....fight for the better future..Is this how you think out loud? Creative writing?

      Rats to races, born in the year of the rat, birthday blues, getting older, better than dead, graves to you, graves to me, wishes on stars,head in the crowds,marching forward, out of the fives, into the sixs, views on life to change. Just to let you know, you were the first reply, that made sense to me. Not looking for a hook up, searching for a friend, with time to spare, for the road trips, weekends or not.

      Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.Life is short. Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles. Hits and misses, nuts on the run...

      Plenty more fish to fly. Joys in the mornings, joy in the views of the water, lots of time to find a gem, a stone, or a rock, waves to make, ship of fools to sail. Lots of interest in so many things, blue oceans to create.Frogs, spiders and snakes, friends in the wild, eaten alive, back in time, coins to flip. Cows to call home, pages to books.Disney Fan Theories That Actually Hold Up 😄😄👸👸🎥🎥📺📺 Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge.

      I concur, great statement, great day to be alive, great day on the right side of the grave, great day, not to pushing up flowers in the gardens of the dead. Amen, to more glory dazes to come, cheers, and chaps, dances in the rain. Good times, hits and misses, bumps in the road, more mountains to climb. Games online, out of my world, not my way to kill time, Jo Gamble, notes to share, written stories of the frogs, snakes and worms, out of mind, out of state of blues. 

      NY escapees....Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal property of a disable, black veterans, for fun and games, back in the day, before, Adriana Agresti. Lovers Talk.Questions:Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns, Love, Hate, Luck, Lights, Coins To Flip.Frank Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. 

      Turkeys with...tricks, trades, brains lost in the winds. Long time ago, donkey date, back in time, pages to turn. Frank Agresti. Fingers in the air, sit and spin, American Birds. Turkeys without wings to fly. Tips and tales, chicks and babes, veterans to take on a run, nuts to dodge, trees to roots, family affairs, cows, hippos, and wales on land.

      Image may contain: 1 person, standing, mountain, outdoor and nature
      Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.Life is short. Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles. Hits and misses, nuts on the run...

      Woman for man: Funny, always laughing, less signs of wear, over the decades, joy in the mornings, peace and happiness to follow, with lots of laughs.Dates, to make, wave of words, ideas, dreams in works, history to share, different times, different lives, learned alone the way.

      Water for cows, water for flowers in the trees, food for the birds and the bees.Time to clear the minds of the hurt, clear the faces of snakes, clear and clean the waste matters. Trips STILL CUM DUMP HERE DICKS OR CHICKS 7608512267:Leader of Pack Wolves: Steven Jarrot 7608512267? Dream date?

      New Beginning, Apr 2013 - House or RV First? Ms 411 Daily Tips. Tin Cans, Affairs Of A Jackass. TODAY. ONCE AGAIN I SAY DONT HATE ITS NO WAY TO LIVE. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

      ImageDances in the streets, American Birds, Fingers in the air, good times, waves to make, blue oceans to create, in and out of time, lost in space, crazy for a fee, cattle calls. Wishes on stars, studs, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, tricks to trade, schools of hard knocks, family affairs, nuts to kids, nuts to grow, over the bumps in the road, mistakes to be made, back to start, how many times. Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.

      Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, mountain, child, outdoor and nature

      Signs Out, White Knights, Frogs Dates....Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching for a place to land, and these places with do nicely, if you believe in magic. Hope hopping helps those that fell down, and having a hard time turning around.
      Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.Life is short. Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles. Hits and misses, nuts on the run...Image
      Lots of luck, lovers and haters, birds to sing, dances in the fields and valleys, donkeys in packs, tales to be told. Love and luck, good and bad, donkeys in packs, freaks and frogs, dances for luck. Games with lovers, pictures with stories, lots of arms to spare, feet to do the tricks like hands. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of lessons to learn, classes on the sands of time. Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles. Hits and misses, nuts on the run...
      Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'Hallelujah Praise the Lord Oh Yes! It's Monday I'm covered I'm courageous I'm committed I'm grateful C I'm blessed Thank you God If you are blessed, type AMEN'

      Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.Life is short.  Suckers to run, rates o dogs, butches, and dykes, pages of lovers, guns to battles. Hits and misses, nuts on the run...


      Signs Out, White Knights, Frogs Dates....Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats searching for a place to land, and these places with do nicely, if you believe in magic. Hope hopping helps those that fell down, and having a hard time turning around.
      Hands To Talk, Wings To Winds, Seasons Of Jerks, Frogs, Fools, Freaks In The Knights, Counting Heads, Tricks To Trade, History Left To Write.Life is short. 
      Did you know:Your attention determines your experiences, and your experiences determine your life. Said another way, you must control your attention to control your life.

      Once long ago, in a dark dream, went to get a free ride, to the doctors for awhile, found a snake for a minute. Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. 
      Did you know:Your attention determines your experiences, and your experiences determine your life. Said another way, you must control your attention to control your life.

      Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Pages to turn, stories to read, books to create, monkeys on a tree. Games of rats and men, rats racing for more cash daily, events for the here and now.Did you know:Your attention determines your experiences, and your experiences determine your life. Said another way, you must control your attention to control your life.

      Found a frog to hop alone with me, with my mother and I, had the aunts also to go. Went though a lot of paperwork. In the end, it was a blink of an eye, life in the grave was over, for all of us. Lots of lies, lots of love, lots of laughs, tales online, stories to share, cat and mouse, cartoons shows. Did you know:Your attention determines your experiences, and your experiences determine your life. Said another way, you must control your attention to control your life.

      I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
      Image result for Charles R. Jarrot, : Call me a liar and a Thief.
      .o yea I forgive but spell-casting with words that don’t work on me irritates me like decompose flies, no witch or brujo is stronger than a messenger of Adonai, and no legion of demon’s is stronger than YESHUA,…Heads to count, frogs, spiders, snakes and worms. Good ties, god times, if I wasn’t a gentle spirit , things would be a little different. To say, in waves of words, the thing you wrote, fucked me up, was hard to take it. Strangers to friends, history of hits and misses.Rites, Reasons, Seasons Of Love, Peace, And Happiness: Cons And Pros, Counting Heads.Not the Police, and not the court systems, they get away with crimes to the rights of the minors, and their parents, and the families that try to step up and remove the kids out of their care.
      Image result for Charles R. Jarrot, : Call me a liar and a Thief.
      Poetry? Seems it will be hard to find a similar spices How could you be helpful to me or anyone? Do you have anger or love as your home base?Snakes in grass, good time toads, wishes on studs, sluts, slugs, snakes in the grass, songs to sing, how great things were..o yea I forgive but spell-casting with words that don’t work on me irritates me like decompose flies, no witch or brujo is stronger than a messenger of Adonai, and no legion of demon’s is stronger than YESHUA,…

      WISHING EVERYONE A SAFE AND BLESS DAY!!🙋🐥🙋Back in time, people lived in circles, circles of people they knew, and circles of places to go, school, work, and the park, churches, and family events. But as time when on, people had to move, to keep on growing, away for the family units, the family churches, the family schools, and to meet people became a lost art.But indeed. these men do ✊🏾 KKK White Supremacy both Founded by Democrats- (both Terrorist Groups!) but lets blame Trump!🍓💋I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -7608512267. Sisters Of Colors:.🙏🌟💎👼💜😘

      This week we make a dream a reality. ❤📖Dreams In Actions.😎🌊Very little is needed to make a happy life....It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.🌊🏄Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of fish in the water, lots of frogs to kiss, lessons on the rites to keep, the roses for the colors.But indeed. these men do ✊🏾 KKK White Supremacy both Founded by Democrats- (both Terrorist Groups!) but lets blame Trump!🍓💋I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -7608512267. Sisters Of Colors:.🙏🌟💎👼💜😘

      SHIT HAPPENS. EVERYDAY. TO EVERYONE. H🌸A🌞P🌈P🌀I👅N🍭E💗S✨S Wishes, Dreams In Works, Cartoons Hits And Misses, Daily Events.Frogs And Fish,🎼🎶🎻Strangers.Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers.🌺Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. 🌺But indeed. these men do ✊🏾 KKK White Supremacy both Founded by Democrats- (both Terrorist Groups!) but lets blame Trump!🍓💋I Bought A Friend Off Craigslist -7608512267. Sisters Of Colors:.🙏🌟💎👼💜😘
      Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
      Don't change yourself to win someone's heart. Stay true and you'll find someone who likes you for being you.Be happy. Be who you want to be. If others don't like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn't about pleasing everybody.BREAKING: ‘Empire’ Actor Jussie Smollett Under ARREST, Charged With Felony.

       Words that we use tell a story about your life and times, if you respect yourself, and the same old tire stories that you tell everybody, is not needed for all the people that you cross paths with.Black And Blue Knights. Alone In The End. Balls In Air, Beaches And Birds, Singing songs.... Date a man my age they say, then I did and look at me...I built my own.Black And Blue Knights. Alone In The End. Balls In Air, Beaches And Birds, Singing songs.👌👌Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries clowns. Fairy Tales. Monkey see monkey do 🙈🙉.
      Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, hat and closeup

      Elizabeth Warren dropped two excellent policy ideas today, and the New York Times is publishing articles about what Neera Tanden said to her mom about Bernie Sanders. Super excited to relive all the bullshit of 2016!
      😖📲💥🌳 Marines and sailors train in the jungle.3 Hard Knocks. Givers and takes, both sides of the coin. Love and hate, both four letter words, same on the down low, or words to distrust, same or equal to faithful and bullshit, Wisdom of Gene Wilder:

      Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, hat and indoor

      I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
      Image result for Charles R. Jarrot, : Call me a liar and a Thief.
      Dawn of Dogs, Frogs, Jewish Whites, Bison Only. Dogs, Frogs, Jewish White Super-star?Jacqueline Jarrot Muccillo:Mean and nasty, girls for role models, “Mean Girls” Classes Of Bitches, classes of dogs, white and blue, faces of cheap tricks, lots of laugh, Rachel Jarrot, not in the movie, slut on a pole in Cali, dates on the beach.Faces of snakes in the grass, porn sluts in lights, tricks on a pole, lovers to choose. Donkeys to ride.You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes:
      Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, outdoor

      stories, tales, tweets, and the bumps in the road, wanted to share life on the cross with a person that may have a much broader mind that a GED educated persons, not enough to talk about that was acceptable to need information, called nonsense because the history was not there, and common stories were not the same. I like fairy tales, and I write fairy tales, I change the people that I know into animals or pen names, and fact and fiction is create out of the stars that I see at night.You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes:
      Image result for Cannabis and Conversation.

      Passes to walk, passes on the state, heads to roll, sinners, saints, learners and losers, schools of hard knocks. Cali chick, babe, black and proud, heads above the common, cattle drives, bitches and birds, wings to air. Peter Pan, late again, located where, retired yet, at the head of your class.Better Off Alone” The 90's Sing-a-long Party song ..Queen - The Show Must Go On.Good Morning, I hope that your Day is as Amazing as you Are ❣Better Off Alone .Faces, Coins, Cards, Hands To Share,Flipping In The Lights.Lessons ... Faces, Coins, Cards, Hands To Share,Flipping In The Lights.Lessons ... Riding Raves, Waves On The Water, Beaches, Houses, Dreams In Actions.

      Have a happy Sunday everyone ⭐️💕❤️Hope your day is filled with laughter and joy and sparkles⭐️💕❤️Lol.🎵☔️Rolling Stones, Songs And Bands, Daddy's' Home, Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, Family Affairs.Tips of dreams, birds in air, happy notes to share. Seasons of joys, seasons of songs, seasons of joys to share.Fairy Tales, Winds Of Wings In The Air, Pixies, Witches, Cali Chicks, Babes, Bitches With Wits.Hair color:Red Eye color:Blue: Views online. ! I'd rather have mine bad and brilliant !!! ..Love and light to you❤️⭐️💕Blessed be ⭐️❤️💕Love Kristina XXX⭐️❤️💕You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —The greatest tale of war in space came back to life with Legend of the Galactic Heroes:

      MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy their products. Promote them.

      What’s happening,No Words Necessary,MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy th...