Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pink And Purples, Shades Of Hares, Rainy Dazes, Nails Of Steel, Rites, Reasons, Seas Of Frogs.

Notes on Veterans in questions, pieces of witty remarks, growth and changes. Help to directed, help to guide, rides to places of interest, needed still. Part of my sisters stories, sharing the anger within, ptsd most of the time, men and the attacks, to live over again, sad story, or a frog kisses.Pink And Purples, Shades Of Hares, Rainy Dazes, Nails Of Steel, Rites, Reasons, Seas Of Frogs.

Hearts on hand, hands to hold, rites of lovers, sinners, saints, ways to grow, green nails, hearts to fingers, good times, lots of lights, love, luck, lessons, leaders of the bands. Good times, lessons to learn, scchools of hard knocks, plenty of freaks, frogs, and fools, hats to wear. Horns of love, horns to sound, hate, luck, lessons, leaders of the angels in host, dead and gone, mothers in heaven, songs for the fallen angels.

Hopes, wishes, joys and pains, lessons to learn, daily events, pages to books, songs in the winds, fairy tales to recap, love, luck, lights, leaders, lessons, ways to grow, ways to stand tall. Love, lights, lessons, dances on the sands of time, dances with wolves, dances with bitches in heat, hats to wear. Love and life, songs to sing, dances in the air, dances on the clouds, nine and seven, colors of the rainbows, colors in shades of black. Coins to flip, cards to read, faces of the gamers, poker players, crooks, cheaters, and liars, games on the table, games in the air, fingers to fly, American birds, tales to spin, hands to talk. 

Building Something, House, Dreams, Hopes. Blue Oceans, Blue Shooting Stars, Wishes, Dreams In Motion: Building Something, House,Hopes(Beaches). Giants, hunters, runners to races, love, lights, hands to hold, dances for the rites to sunny and blithe, friend, freaks, and frogs, dances on the side of the road.Pink And Purples, Shades Of Hares, Rainy Dazes, Nails Of Steel, Rites, Reasons, Seas Of Frogs

Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always.   Lovers and haters, lights to shine, snakes in the house, pigs and hogs, whales on land. Steven Jay Jarrot, 7608512267, dream lover, dream guy, for who? Nuts on the run, dicks to suck while you sleep, tricks and trades for more dicks to suck. Pink And Purples, Shades Of Hares, Rainy Dazes, Nails Of Steel, Rites, Reasons, Seas Of Frogs

Dream lives for the freaks and the frogs, sluts to ride the face of a frog for free, Steven and Rachel Jarrot, lovers and haters, wigs and caps, to hide the horns, lovers of dreams of hell hounds. Lovers and haters, for the good times, for the cash lost and paid for wigs for Rach Jay, back in time while 16, Rachel Jarrot, got another wig. So what, bald headed baby at 16, for how long, moot to me. Sima And Steven Jarrot, Rach Jay 2: Donkeys for free rides?Sheri, Rachel?Sluts ..Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once. Pink And Purples, Shades Of Hares, Rainy Dazes, Nails Of Steel, Rites, Reasons, Seas Of Frogs

Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

 Dazes In The Dark, Dark Knights, Sweet Dreams, Faces Of Angels. In your dreams, late at night, listen for the dawn of the dead, stars fallen, family members expired, ghosts foes in your dreams. Trips to heaven, trips to hell, angels and shooting stars, do fall down. Trips out of heaven, man and woman, in the beginning, warning of snakes in house. Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Adam and Eve, tricked  by a snake, common story, biblical tales, in the gardens of good and evil. Lovers and hate, songs to sing, goats and sheep, life on the side, main roads to grateful dead. Tricks on time, trips to other worlds, time on the cross, time in hell, dances with wolves, dances with snakes, Mary Jane.   Pots of gold, pots of grass, pots of cash to grow, one nut to grow, one nut to trees, dogwood trees, good time to expands. Hands to hearts, hearts to heat, hearts to heal, hearts to mend, hearts very hard to break.Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.
Mean and nasty, girls for role models, “Mean Girls” Classes Of Bitches. Dudes, Dykes, Donkey Dates 2.
 Games over time, lessons to learns, stories to tell, good times, tales of the hills and the valleys, snakes in dens, frogs in army, goats and sheep, lovers and haters. Marching one, moving on, mountains to climb, monkey year, hopping to other things. Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Vines for the grapes, wines for the sheep, tales of the lost, tales of the confused, tales of veterans, tales of earth angel, gifts to share, over time, and over space.   TYPES OF DOLPHINS…Fucked For Life, Hats And Wigs, Horns Hidden: Day Jobs, Nuts And Freaks, Dates. Movie Hits, Cowboy Riders, Crooks And Liars…..Singing Songs, Joys And Pains, Bumps In Roads, Dancing Dazes – 5 Stars, Bitches, and Babes, Glory Dazes Done…..Singing Songs, Joys And Pains, Bumps In Roads, Dancing Dazes – Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

More Hands, Room To Rent, Retiree Tuskeegge Experiment-families Nuts to Spare Gifts given for the bad blood stories told to the American Families that were Black in Mason County, Alabama, called the treatment for the lab rats.  Family black men, military Black men, in the army, and in the communities that had health issues addressed at the Mason County community Hospital, fake friends were the members of the medical community, liars to the faces of the men, and their families, and the mental and medical problems part of the package, given in 1932. Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

This treatment last over 4 decades, the medical community came and went with the older members to be replaced with fresh blood, to spread the lies about the treatments given, and the cures that were available, men not treated for the good of the country?Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.
Movies, Seasons, Reasons, Blessings,... Freddie Jackson - Rock With Me: Winds to rains.
Dazes In The Dark, Dark Knights, Monkeys To Dodge. Sweet Dreams, Faces Of Angels.   Wigs Out Over Rachel Jarrot, wigs off for freak shows.This had to be one hell of a party...  Sheri G Jarrot AKAs: Sheri Beth Jarrot: Beth Sheri Gerstein: Sheri Gerstein-Jarrot: 58; Upland, CA: Palm, Desert, CA, Riverside, CA, La Quinta, CA.Sheri Gerstein. Rachel Jarrot, Steven Jarrot. Malcolm Gerstein Hackers, Crooks,recaps with dreams in drama, Robbers, Snakes And Monkeys To Dodge. Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Steven Jarrot: recaps with dreams in drama, lives ago, snakes and worms, frogs kissed once or twice. He hates the sharing, and he hates watching the reactions, but this is what he created, and he hates coming up short.  Amanda is a toy for the treats to work best, for the trades to replace the herbs and the clouds in the air.  It is another way to fund the parties, and the fun with Dicks and Jeans, as a treat of course.Hackers, Crooks,recaps with dreams in drama, Robbers, Snakes And Monkeys To Dodge, Dazes In The Dark, Dark Knights.Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Monkeys To    Fantasy, Art, Animals, Nature, Quotes & Fashion   Dodge. Sweet Dreams, Faces Of Angels. Reflections today, third party views.DREAM LOVER?  Sheri Gerstein Jarrot:  Steven Jarrot 7608512267: sheri jarrot Cosmetics Professional:  Greater Los Angeles AreaCosmetics:  Sheri Gerstein Jarrot is in her 50s Sheri Has Lived In Upland, CA La Quinta, CA Palm Desert, CA Sheri's Relatives Marilyn Gerstein Steven Jarrot Rachel Jarrot This was an email, that I got from my sister from another mother, and how upset she still is about learning the type of frog the bullfrog really is or  reptile that has not learned any new life lessons since Fairfax High  School in Hollyweird, California-when dirt was young-(Steve/Eve/Adam 4 Adam Jarrot) still dump as rocks? Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Brains exchanged for trains, so sad just senseless now, and full of self as always.   Lovers and haters, lights to shine, snakes in the house, pigs and hogs, whales on land. Steven Jay Jarrot, 7608512267, dream lover, dream guy, for who? Nuts on the run, dicks to suck while you sleep, tricks and trades for more dicks to suck. Dream lives for the freaks and the frogs, sluts to ride the face of a frog for free, Steven and Rachel Jarrot, lovers and haters, wigs and caps, to hide the horns, lovers of dreams of hell hounds. Lovers and haters, for the good times, for the cash lost and paid for wigs for Rach Jay, back in time while 16, Rachel Jarrot, got another wig. So what, bald headed baby at 16, for how long, moot to me. Sima And Steven Jarrot, Rach Jay 2: Donkeys for free rides?Sheri, Rachel?Sluts ..Manners, Morals, Respect, Classes On Love, Hate, Rites, Lessons To Learn: Just Once.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed.

Life is an adventure. The hot dogs they are serving at this 4th of July bbq are delicious! I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed...Happy 4th of July! Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure and a gift to share. Good times after classes on the beach, to end: effects never die, no is a note to the next opportunity,windows open.Good morning to everyone except Taylor Swift who didn’t upload any pictures at 4th of July. I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼
Nightmares to deal with the fake friends that leave you to swing in the wind, happy to save their own skin, happy to keep heads in the sand. Gifts and talents runs to good looks, lack of brains, with lots of tickets for trains, and free plane rides. Hell hounds here on earth, gifts from the center of the earth, gifts from the fake friends, lies for the truth and honesty with rose color glasses. Mistakes made with the whales on land, mistakes made with the fairies, mistakes made with the frogs and the fools.
I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed.

Lessons learned the first time, gifts and rewards given for the corrections to the mistakes made to make you stronger, gifts to share of the joys and the pains of the bumps in the roads, and the classes in play still. Love and hate, horns on a goat, for the 9th or the 10th century, with the "Vikings", a movie. I liked it a lot, and have only great things to say about the brothers with another mother, and the falls on the left sides of the graves. Brothers unknown until the time of death, unknown until after the deaths of the father and the brother, and that was about love and devotion twisted. Happy and delighted for the little miracles given daily.I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed. Holidays Daily, Birthdays Daily, Live and Learn, Pages To Turn. Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Hits And Misses.The Bedroom Best R&B 90's Sexy Love Music.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍

I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed. Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.Good morning to everyone except Taylor Swift who didn’t upload any pictures at 4th of July.Good times on top of the mountains, flying high as a bird or a butterfly, new lives in the second form, to fly away from darkness. Goodness and mercy angels out all the time, hands out to help up, the lost and displaced earth angels. Sleep on their backs, trapped in a dazes, with the land whales. Dying daily while in a dazes, hell hounds in dens of snakes, being eaten alive. Wake up and smell the roses, wake up the girls, waiting for real lights of rights, reasons, and rites of passages. Good times to share, gifts to exchange, tales and stories, while trapped in the darkness. Dogwood butterflies for the new births, for the rebirths, of dreams, wishes and prayers.
ENGLISH words, for the wise. Stupid can not be fixed, dense and dump for a season in the sun, as a frog or a fish plenty of them both in the sea. To fail: first attempt in learning. To end: effects never dies on one hand and no on the other hand: define as next opportunity, turning the page and moving forward. Fuck views of others, get up and dance away from blues of fish in the sea. Good times, happy times to share for the joys and pains. The focus is on integrity, transparency about who we are, and honesty, so we can decide without biases or doubts we meant for each other or not. We do not need to guess. We know, we respect and appreciate direct approach.

I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed. Cows, Cattle, Bullalos, Snakes to DodgeFairy tales, rats tails, rats racing daily races. Will steal from earth angels, and veterans. Blessings with lessons to share. ENGLISH words. Fuck views of frogs. Clowns gone. Basket cases on the beach. Steven with son, both cheaters and liars. Charles R. Jarrot, 7607778998, Land Whales. Prey on the beach, watch out: parties to pay, trades for free wills. Rats. Mental for a fee. Crazy, dizzy, rich with laughs to share.The hot dogs they are serving at this 4th of July bbq are delicious! I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed .

The hot dogs they are serving at this 4th of July bbq are delicious! I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed . Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure.Daily Journey.....Paths Taken, Pictures flashing in dreams, free as a bird, mountains tops sights to see. Flying far away from shadows in the dark. Fresh flowers on the dogwood trees. When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright But came. dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night So say good morning 🎵☔️Rolling Stones, Songs And Bands, Daddy's' Home, Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure. Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, Family Affairs.

Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure and a gift to share. Good times after classes on the beach, to end: effects never die, no is a note to the next opportunity,windows open.Holidays Daily, Birthdays Daily, Live and Learn, Pages To Turn. Hits And Misses.When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright. But came dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night Plenty of Fish in the seas. Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns,  Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure.So say good morning.....🎵☔️

The hot dogs they are serving at this 4th of July bbq are delicious! I love 4th of July , u can be drunk all day and no one notices 🙏🏼 #blessed

🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure. Happy 4th of July! Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure and a gift to share. Good times after classes on the beach, to end: effects never die, no is a note to the next opportunity,windows open.Holidays Daily, Birthdays Daily, Live and Learn, Pages To Turn. Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Hits And Misses.The Bedroom Best R&B 90's Sexy Love Music.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

Send me cheers along the way by liking or commenting on this post #NRC.A lion doesn't fear a fly."Jewish Proverb" ~ 5 Stars, Shooting Blue, Shooting White.    Donkey Dazes, donkey companions, donkey for friends, Paul and Charlie Jarrot, dead and buried, donkeys companions in the hills, Riverside jackasses in the valleys. Dark Strange Dazes: Strangers to friends, dates on the beach, birds and bees out for the sunny dazes, watching the races done to death. Life on the sidelines noted for the freaks out for the tricks, dicks, and cum for the tasteful delights, of the frogs on the beach.Cheap tricks, Sheri and Sima Jarrot, still turning tricks for the pimps of pack of monkeys....OneRepublic -  .A lion doesn't fear a fly."Jewish Proverb" ~ 5 Stars, Shooting Blue, Shooting White. Counting Stars...🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

Dances in light and darkness, earth angels to flash, in and out of time, hands to hold over time. Lovers and haters, songs to sing, thanks and cheers, veterans with skills. Thanks so much for the time, and the space to guard the country. Cheers and chaps, hands to hands, chaps and cheers, veterans to save the day. Battles and wars won, for the good, USA, thanks again.The Bedroom Best R&B 90's Sexy Love Music. Send me cheers along the way by liking or commenting on this post #NRC🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! Thanks so much for the cash to get out of the gate..A lion doesn't fear a fly."Jewish Proverb" ~ 5 Stars, Shooting Blue, Shooting White.    Donkey Dazes, donkey companions, donkey for friends, Paul and Charlie Jarrot, dead and buried, donkeys companions in the hills, 🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍
Riverside jackasses in the valleys. Dark Strange Dazes: Strangers to friends, dates on the beach, birds and bees out for the sunny dazes, watching the races done to death. Life on the sidelines noted for the freaks out for the tricks, dicks, and cum for the tasteful delights, of the frogs on the beach.Cheap tricks, Sheri and Sima Jarrot, still turning tricks for the pimps of pack of monkeys....OneRepublic -  .A lion doesn't fear a fly."Jewish Proverb" ~ 5 Stars, 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Shooting Blue, Shooting White. Counting Stars...The Bedroom Best R&B 90's Sexy Love Music.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍
Bald Heads, Rach Jay, Sheri And Rachel Jarrot, Wigs To Caps, Cheap Tricks, Land…The bitch was a hooker, the man was her pimp, out of the winds, out of smokes,… Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men in #USMC, the leaders, the few the choose, tales to share, babes, chicks and dames, hands to hold for the sunny and bright dazes to come. Life Is A Beach: Lots Of Balls In Air, Lot Of 'waves On Oceans, Once A Day. End Times.. Who will be a hero when times grow dark and the drowning soul needs light? Whose words will evaporate the dirt of the age .4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍 THE RUN, WHAT?! JOKES AND LAUGHS, PIGS DO FLY: Crazy, dizzy, dicks, dawgs, dates. Notes of the dead, tales of the deceased, stories of the expired. My answer to the questions.End Times..Love it, Amen to that, and more, windows and doors, open wide, it is mine. DIFFERENT. 💕💕💕🙏🙏💚💖😊😊😉.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.

Happy and gay lifestyle spent Steven Jarrot, 😂 😴 🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please.Steers, Queers, Fags Hags, Dick-less Wonders. Rach Jay,  Sima or Jackie Jarrot, Rachel or Sheri,  Charlie Ray Jarrot, coins to flip, cards to play, pokers faces, frogs, fools, freaks, friends, fish in the seas. Oceans of frogs, plenty of fish in the seas, waves to make, sisters of the rainbows. Lights on.  Sucker #1 oral specialist of craigslist.ACE. Ball up or get balled on. Run it back.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.REVENGE IS BENEATH ME, BUT SOMETIME ACCIDENTS HAPPENS .4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍

Pssstt!rachellyn1010 face time.  Call Sima, Rachel Gay Jarrot, Steven Jay Jarrot, frogs in groups, pimps on call, family affairs, gang bangs daily, how to make a buck. Walk of fame, croosk, cheaters, liars, cons and pros, faces in the shadows.🤑part-time Martian.

Where's the exit clause on being under the government rule? did we sign up for that in the first place? isn't everything under duress when you realize the lies?

Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'None are more HOPELESSLY ENSLAVED than those who falsely BELIEVE they are free -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe facebook .co/em com'
👽MORE HEART THAN U THOUGHT?💖Catch me at …✌✨🌏💫😉👍✨ 😎🌊🌊Views in the dark, walks on the moon, coins to flip....Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Where's the exit clause on being under the government rule? did we sign up for that in the first place? isn't everything under duress when you realize the lies?

Image may contain: text that says '"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" SN SE'

Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake Like I Love You. Tips and tales, NY retards, will steal stuff and shit of yours, and say suck it up, for the crimes again a veteran back in 2015, before the trip to Italy, so the fat cow could stay in a truck. To poor for the lights to be turned on, stupid and dump, hard to fix.
Image may contain: 1 person, baby and closeup, text that says '112345-67890 I don't want to participate in a this model of society which has made more importance to money than life. I'm here to live. I'm not here to increase gross national product nor to pay debts your government incurred.'
Justin Timberlake - Flip Flop, Seasons In The Sands, Dances On The Beaches, Good Times. Fish Out Of Water. Like I Love You. Snakes, spiders and worms, retards, rejects, escapees from NY.Views in the dark, walks on the moon, coins to flip....Where's the exit clause on being under the government rule? did we sign up for that in the first place? isn't everything under duress when you realize the lies?
Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.where's the exit clause on being under the government rule? did we sign up for that in the first place?isn't everything under duress when you realize the lies?

Sweet Poem.One From The Heart.Thank You.For Any Battle Isn't Mine 🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍Great Day, Holidays In The House. Parade Done Today.Yes YOU Got It. My FAITH IS IN JESUS.So Thank You For YOUR Support. And Words of Undertones. Are Loud and Clear. Live Learn Laugh & LOVE...All People Including All Whom Practice ( )I'm Working On It Daily. Smiles and Blessings .Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! Thanks so much for the cash to get out of the gate. Again Thanks...Send me cheers along the way by liking or commenting on this post #NRC4th of July by myself😍😍😍😍

Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.

Dances in light and darkness, earth angels to flash, in and out of time, hands to hold over time. Lovers and haters, songs to sing, thanks and cheers, veterans with skills. Thanks so much for the time, and the space to guard the country. Cheers and chaps, hands to hands, chaps and cheers, veterans to save the day. Battles and wars won, for the good, USA, thanks again.Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! Thanks so much for the cash to get out of the gate.

Sweet Poem.One From The Heart.Thank You.For Any Battle Isn't Mine Yes YOU Got It. My FAITH IS IN JESUS.So Thank You For YOUR Support. And Words of Undertones. Are Loud and Clear. Live Learn Laugh & LOVE...All People Including All Whom Practice ( )I'm Working On It Daily. Smiles and Blessings .Barbie is such a bitch. She has EVERYTHING! to ships to houses to clothes! Thanks so much for the cash to get out of the gate. Again Thanks...

Daily games, daily gifts, daily rules to change, faces in the movies, faces in the trips to hell and back, faces of snakes in the grass- Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.

Couple of views online to share, noses to shine, dances for cash, time, lost for a buck or two, standards set for plain sheep, dicks to note.Love, Light, Lessons, Seven Knights, Seven Worlds Away, Coins To Flip, Wheels To Turn. Living Large, Working Dead Heads, Noses Brown, Cheap Tricks For Cash. Notes Taken.Happy 4th of July!

Sleep in a coffin for cash, time to trade for money, common answers:R Kelly Ultimate 2016 Greatest Hits Remix By DJ GDOC. Glasses, Freaks And Frogs, Dances In. Views And Noses, Tops Games: Hits And Misses.Cartoon Hits....Ariana Grande - Break Free ft. Zedd Lots of blown jobs, gang bang rules, pimps on call. 7608512267...Ariana Grande - Problem ft. Iggy Azalea....J⚓B sent you a note. May For Much.ATTENTION MARINES: IF YOU HAVE SERVED THEN JOIN OUR RANKS & FOLLOW OUR AMAZING COLLECTION HERE!Happy 4th of July!
Snakes in Grass: Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box: Laughs Online..Happy notes from a witch, also a five star bitch.Spooks at the doors, angels in. | Facebook...Ghost writers. Jun 2, 2013 - Uritza Smith 333, 333 Smith, rules of dykes, cheap tricks, kids to steal, lovers and haters, tales to spin, faces of dogs, faces of bitches in heat, lights to turn on.Tricks and trades, dates to set, dances on the sands of times, Tin cans… Glasses, Freaks And Frogs, Dances In. Views And Noses, Tops Games: Hits And Misses.Cartoon Hits....Ariana Grande - Break Free ft. ZeddATTENTION MARINES: IF YOU HAVE SERVED THEN JOIN OUR RANKS & FOLLOW OUR AMAZING COLLECTION HERE!Happy 4th of July!
Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000: Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2. Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Happy 4th of July! Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000:Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2.Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Happy 4th of July!

Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure. Happy 4th of July! Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure and a gift to share. Good times after classes on the beach, to end: effects never die, no is a note to the next opportunity,windows open.Holidays Daily, Birthdays Daily, Live and Learn, Pages To Turn. Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Hits And Misses.

When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright. But came dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night. Plenty of Fish in the seas. Happy 4th of July! Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Mikey and a couple of other NY escapees.Fat, Wide, Cows To Date, Monkeys Packs, Goats Horns,  Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure.Happy 4th of July! So say good morning.....🎵☔️

 Daily Journey...Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags...Paths Taken, Pictures flashing in dreams, free as a bird, mountains tops sights to see. Flying far away from shadows in the dark. Fresh flowers on the dogwood trees. When we left the movie show the future wasn't bright But came dawn the show goes on & I don't want to say good night So say good morning 🎵☔️Rolling Stones, Songs And Bands, Daddy's' Home, Monkeys see and monkey do swinging from branches on the trees. Life is an adventure. Back In Time, Dimes To Drop, Family Affairs.Let Freedom Right, Happy Birthday America, 240 Years Old Today. Cheers And Chaps, Rites To Flags.Happy 4th of July! 

Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

Stories and tips of veterans for prey, female veterans. Black, Single, Displaced, Confused and Homeless veterans, help and hands out to show the way. Leaders as kings, Peter Pan rides again. White Knights, dream dates, mothers pride, trips to the lands of dreams, awards given, good times. Hands out to cheer, hands out to clap, good job, done well, thanks for the shows.🇺🇸🎇🇺🇸🎆🇺🇸 Happy 4th of July. Known as Pyne Castle, 770 Hillcrest Dr, Laguna Beach, CA 92651"You ready for 4th of July?" Me: Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

Happy Fourth of July!
Cash on the tables, just need to do the paper wood, stories and tips to write, forms to fill, cash for life on the table for the harm done. Damages, and aches and pains, bumps in the roads, timed served for the red, white, and blue. Sailors, Marines, Army Frogs, Groups of Service People, Thanks For You Service, have tips of love and hate, cash and help to lighten your dazes. Mindfulness Wellness: Life is what you make of it. Love, Light, Lessons, Luck: Perceptions Change. Fairy tale, girl in red hood, going into the woods, into the dark, hopes and dreams. Girls in red hoods, Lizzy Jarrot 2, Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

Daisy Dicks, asked for the devil to visit when she open the door to Steven Jarrot: views and noses, perceptions change, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat. Lessons to learn, lovers and haters, tips and tales, spinning wells, spinning tales, hands to hold, gifts to give. Daily games, daily gifts, daily rules to change, faces in the movies, faces in the trips to hell and back, faces of snakes in the grass- Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000: Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2. Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days
Gifts to share, gifts given, sons with skills, lots of love and hate, on the big screens. Bridges on Land: Cars and Trucks: Cross the Water In The Ways....Bridges to See: Bridges to cross, in the California sun, good times...Plenty of frogs, plenty of fish, plenty of good and evil to check for the lights to come on. Mindfulness Wellness ."You ready for 4th of July?" Cash on the tables, just need to do the paper wood, stories and tips to write, forms to fill, cash for life on the table for the harm done. Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July!  here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

Damages, and aches and pains, bumps in the roads, timed served for the red, white, and blue. Sailors, Marines, Army Frogs, Groups of Service People, Thanks For You Service, have tips of love and hate, cash and help to lighten your dazes. Mindfulness Wellness: Life is what you make of it. Love, Light, Lessons, Luck: Perceptions Change. Fairy tale, girl in red hood, going into the woods, into the dark, hopes and dreams.Cash on the tables, just need to do the paper wood, stories and tips to write, forms to fill, cash for life on the table for the harm done. Damages, and aches and pains, bumps in the roads, timed served for the red, white, and blue. Sailors, Marines, Army Frogs, Groups of Service People, Thanks For You Service, have tips of love and hate, cash and help to lighten your dazes. Mindfulness Wellness: Life is what you make of it. Love, Light, Lessons, Luck: Perceptions Change.Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days 

Fairy tale, girl in red hood, going into the woods, into the dark, hopes and dreams. Girls in red hoods, Lizzy Jarrot 2, Daisy Dicks, asked for the devil to visit when she open the door to Steven Jarrot: views and noses, perceptions change, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat. Lessons to learn, lovers and haters, tips and tales, spinning wells, spinning tales, hands to hold, gifts to give.Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

Daily games, daily gifts, daily rules to change, faces in the movies, faces in the trips to hell and back, faces of snakes in the grass- Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000: Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2. Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days

 Girls in red hoods, Lizzy Jarrot 2, Daisy Dicks, asked for the devil to visit when she open the door to Steven Jarrot: views and noses, perceptions change, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat. Lessons to learn, lovers and haters, tips and tales, spinning wells, spinning tales, hands to hold, gifts to give. Daily games, daily gifts, daily rules to change, faces in the movies, faces in the trips to hell and back, faces of snakes in the grass-Cash on the tables, just need to do the paper wood, stories and tips to write, forms to fill, cash for life on the table for the harm done. Damages, and aches and pains, bumps in the roads, timed served for the red, white, and blue. Sailors, Marines, Army Frogs, Groups of Service People, Thanks For You Service, have tips of love and hate, cash and help to lighten your dazes. Mindfulness Wellness: Life is what you make of it. Love, Light, Lessons, Luck: Perceptions Change.Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days 

Fairy tale, girl in red hood, going into the woods, into the dark, hopes and dreams. Girls in red hoods, Lizzy Jarrot 2, Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days Daisy Dicks, asked for the devil to visit when she open the door to Steven Jarrot: views and noses, perceptions change, dicks and dogs, bitches in heat. Lessons to learn, lovers and haters, tips and tales, spinning wells, spinning tales, hands to hold, gifts to give.

Daily games, daily gifts, daily rules to change, faces in the movies, faces in the trips to hell and back, faces of snakes in the grass- Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July! here's mount slothmore from my slothing days Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000: Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2.

 Pimp (Seven Snakes inside) Jarrot, he has eyes for Rachel Jarrot, the only love of his life created out of hate with the hairdressers, skills of Sima Jarrots, lies white or half lies, not truthful or honest, for faces to save. Love Notes, Hate and Love, Songs To Sing. Jokes of ships of fools, fags out of box, yellow snakes...Charles R. Jarrot's: Daddy, he stole $160,000:Shitty Watercolour‏: happy 4th of July!  here's mount slothmore from my slothing days  Sex changes to pay for, bigger dick, like granddaddy, Paul Jarrot, freaks 2.

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What’s happening,No Words Necessary,MENTAL HEALTH IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.If you really want to help your friends with their business, buy th...