“We write for the same reason that we walk, talk, climb mountains or swim the oceans - because we can. We have some impulse within us that makes us want to explain ourselves to other human beings. That's why we paint, that's why we dare to love someone - because we have the impulse to explain who we are.honey bony. grass, that is where they live. High, Birds In Air, Glory Dazes To Come. 5 Stars, 5 Planes, 5 Monkeys To Dodge, Flying High, Birds In Air, Glory Dazes To Come. Houses, homes, veterans with skills, schools of hard knocks, tips and tales to share. Songs to sing, good times, holidays hits, donkeys and goats, horns to sound. ..
Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Tricks traders, dicks, dawgs, bitches in heat, monkeys in pack, monkeys to dodge. Pages to books to recap, recall, and review. Shit and stuff, not your to give, to take, to throw away, for a dumb dog, bitches in heat. Under the sands of time, in the mud, in the dirt, faces of frogs, snakes and worms.
Gems, stones and paste, rocks to shine, sands in winds.5 Stars, 5 Planes, 5 Monkeys To Dodge, Flying Freaks, franks, and beans, cum to go, cum to lose, wasted cum for the kids of franks, wives, girlfriends. nutsbeansfrankscoinstoflipsongsshared.blogspot.com no plus ones comment Joys and pains, bumps in the roads, frogs to kiss, frogs to toss back into the seas of more frogs. Blue oceans on the waters, boats to float, ships of fools to sail again. Retards, rejects, escapees, NY frogs, to send back, coins to play. Good times, dances with frogs, spiders and snakes in the
Tales to spin, frogs in the house, snakes in the grass, bears to arms. Wings to fly, butterflies, moths, and bugs, wings to fly away, dances in the winds, dances done to death, dances with frogs. on The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others. Josh Allison: Music will never let me down. Music has been and will always be a loyal friend.Freaks, franks, and beans, cum to go, cum to lose, wasted cum for the kids of franks, wives, girlfriends. Freaks, franks, and beans, cum to go, cum to lose, wasted cum for the kids of franks, wives, girlfriends.Snakes And Frogs, Dicks Out Of The Box, Donkeys To Ride. Spring Madness,Ships To Sail.Spring Madness, Boats To Float, Ships To Sail.Kings and knights, songs to sing, glory dazes to come. The Chainsmokers: Blue Dreams.
Rites of Passage in Judaism:BBC - Religions - Judaism: Jewish baby rites. American Girl:....You and Me....remove the American flag because it was offensive?American Girl: Black Knights, Angels White, Sunshine Shots...Hopes and dreams, back in the day, love for a day, then it died. Birds in the fire, eggs in the flames, birds to be born, every year, over again. Dates with birds of prey.
Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July, tales of coal in the bags of pot, hopes and dreams in the works. Raiders, hackers, crooks, and frogs, faces in the mirror, lost over time, hopes and wishes, stars in the sky. Love and lights, nights of lights, colors of the rainbow, joys and pains. Hopes and wishes, dates on the beach, drunks and liars, games to play."Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces": Fairy Tales To Recap Again. Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , How u sucking dick for nicks ? 😂😂😂 u dont got $5 to buy a nick !? Broke bronx bitches i swear 😂😂😂😂💯🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.Facebook, Nuts And Franks, 😹😹😹😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,😹😹😹😹 Hogs And Pigs To Fly.😹😹😹😹 Facetime?💓🤘🏽Tricks and trades, coins to flip, cards to read. How u sucking dicks.Facebook, Nuts And Franks, 😹😹😹😹Dicks, Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Fat And Wide,😹😹😹 "Snakes Parties, Snakes Tales, Parts And Pieces": Fairy Tales To Recap Again.
Rachel Jarrot: Butch, dyke, bitch, buff forever, steers and queers, faces of dogs, faces of frogs. Cheap tricks, bald heads under the wigs and caps, horns out of sight, dances in dirt, dances in mud, faces of snakes, spiders and worms. Cows to call home, Sheri Beth Jarrot, Sima and Steven Jarrot. Dicks to Rachel Jarrot: Butch, dyke, bitch, buff forever, steers and queers, faces of dogs, faces of frogs. Cheap tricks, bald heads under the wigs and caps, horns out of sight, dances in dirt, dances in mud, faces of snakes, spiders and worms. Cows to call home, Sheri Beth Jarrot, Sima and Steven Jarrot. Dicks to service. IS FULL OF SHIT. SHE WAS BORN April 16, 1995, NEVER WENT TO COLLAGE WAS IN MENTAL HOSPITAL HALF OF HER LIFE. AND HEADING BACK REAL SOON.SHES A DRUG ADDICT
Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July, tales of coal in the bags of pot, hopes and dreams in the works. Raiders, hackers, crooks, and frogs, faces in the mirror, lost over time, hopes and wishes, stars in the sky. Love and lights, nights of lights, colors of the rainbow, joys and pains. Hopes and wishes, dates on the beach, drunks and liars, games to play.
Dinner time frogs and freaks. Pack Lions:Lyon to masks in place, faces in the mirror, goodness and mercy looks. This is the early part of the history. Jewish Army of 2017. Was not that interested in learning the history: all well always, just want to let them know if they are human they have red blood, and that makes us all the same.Frog Hearts.
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Make it a good on and happy Friday and happy pie day.Devils, Haters, Hackers,Merchant of Venice:Joela Capplan: Fools, Blood Suckers,😝😝😂😂💔💔💌💌 Faces Of Family, Friends And Foes, Coins To Flip. Love Is in the Air: Bride and Groom Wed at 35,000 Feet. Dances With Leaders, Dances On Cloud Nine. Snakes To Eat, Snakes And Men, Pictures 1000 words, food for fun, games to play, pictures for the good time. Time to stop, time to run, hope for the best, that you are not toast, with a snake like that. Food and clothes, boots to make, the skin is good for how long, after death. Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July.
To take, to give, to share, the tips and the tales of snake, snakes to dodge, in another life, done with them, just stories to write, love and hate, sheep and goats, homes to houses, snake in dens, snakes can from a bigger snakes. What a life, to be a snake, out to stay alive, anyway how, does it matter?Cyndi Lauper - True Colors Happy Hits, winners and lowers life forms, frogs in the water, frogs in the house. Games to play, music to play, bests of loves, sinners and saints, brains in asses, donkeys in the hills. Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July.
The Falls are clean today. Wits and wisdom, walks in the park, battles and wars, lovers in the walks of life. Good times, Marines and babbles of freaks, devil mad dogs, tricks with gun, rats to races, gifts of life to share, over time, over space, pages to turn. Battles and wars won, military hits and misses, dances on the sands of time. Homeless veterans find a safe haven with Passageways. Paths chosen tell story of dreams, wishes and desires, that happen to be prayers also, hope floats. Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July.
Whale on land..Princess Whale, Sheri Jarrot. Waste of cum, should have gone out with condom instead. Butch, bitch and whale on land to date today 7603601613Dream girl without make-up and hair around her eyes, still hairless Rachel Jarrot 7609020855 whales on land, and Steven Jarrot, fruits and nuts to go.Cum Drip-Sheri Jarrot, 7603601613, whale on land to date.Hogs and cattle, freaks and frogs, good times to party and play the nights away, dream life to have different asses on your face, lover for one is not the case, to much sex and the eyes goes batty for frogs, or craps under the rocks, under the sands of time, snakes, frogs, and cattle callers out to rob your blind, time and attention to spare for the freaks out at night?.Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July.
Bengal Brigade (also known as Bengal Rifles) 1954 Rock Hudson. Chicks, babes, dames, earth angels in lights. Starr Bright, Starlet Bright, Starlet Battles, Aleane Horns, for the colors of the rainbows. Rats to run, rats to races, rats to dollors and cents, games online, games in real life, balls and jacks. In a bag for life.Once A Day. , 🍂 💦:🎃 🎃🍵 💪THE RUNS.- Rose Royce: IT'S GONNA TAKE A MIRACLE - Deniece Williams: Happy Birthday Notes. GOODINSWEETTIPS.BLOGSPOT.COMSchool of Hard Knocks| Life Is A Beach Blog Dicks and dogs, dykes with dicks, games to play, Christmas in July.